Protein skimmer suggestions for a tight fit (60G cube)


New member
I have about 6.5 x 7.25 to work with, right now running the CAD Lights PLS-100 and really like the Reef Octopus SpaceSaver 110. Problem with the Reef Octopus is I'm about 1/2 inch short on space.

The reason I want to switch out the CAD Lights is that the whole twist the chamber to dial it in thing isn't working for me - way too tempermental and due to my set up too difficult to access.

The reason I'm short on space is that my filter sock takes up the other side of the chamber & it appears the sock ring would interfere with the placement of the skimmer...

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I think the Bubble Magus Curve 5 fits that foot print. Look into it, I have one and liked it more then the Reef Octopus skimmer.
Endy0430 - I have the CAD Lights now and don't like how delicate to the touch they are when twisting the body to regulate the skimmate... seems like everytime I knock into it the thing goes all out of whack.

The Bubble Magus might be an option, need to remeasure & then remeasure again.

As far as the Tunze is concerned any issues with the build quality and durability? Seem to remember reading somewhere that they tended to be a bit fragile