Protein skimmer - what type

Hang-on skimmers by nature tend to have small reaction chambers, which can limit their effectiveness. My general advice is to go with the largest model that fits your sump and budget.
If I put the skimmer into the sump it greatly reduces the amount of room I have for cheto. Can I pipe a in sump skimmer outside the sump and still have it be effective?
Some in-sump skimmers are not designed to be leak proof and therefore can only be used in-sump. All "external" skimmers can be used in-sump so long you have the space. Make sure your skimmer can be put outside, withotu any leaking, like Jeff says. Also, make sure the dischrge from the skimmer is higher than the sump's vertical wall otherwise the level inside the skimmer chamber will run to high and make it flood onto your floor.