New member
I have had my 55 gallon running for a month now. Got it from a friend who was getting out of the hobby so it was established when I got it. 2 cascade 1000 canister filters (don't have room for a sump as my wife won't let me) and just recently purchased a coralife 65 protein skimmer. It's just the hang over type. In the funnel to over flow into the collection cup, no matter how much I adjust the air I can't get the
Bubbles to less than halfway up the funnel/cone. I do have a valve on the pump but if I turn it down from where I'm at now, it makes no bubbles. I've seen plugging the air vent can help so I tried it for just a couple seconds and the bubbles went way down while still making a lot. Anyone have experience or ideas to help?
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Bubbles to less than halfway up the funnel/cone. I do have a valve on the pump but if I turn it down from where I'm at now, it makes no bubbles. I've seen plugging the air vent can help so I tried it for just a couple seconds and the bubbles went way down while still making a lot. Anyone have experience or ideas to help?
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