Protein skimmer


New member
I have had my 55 gallon running for a month now. Got it from a friend who was getting out of the hobby so it was established when I got it. 2 cascade 1000 canister filters (don't have room for a sump as my wife won't let me) and just recently purchased a coralife 65 protein skimmer. It's just the hang over type. In the funnel to over flow into the collection cup, no matter how much I adjust the air I can't get the
Bubbles to less than halfway up the funnel/cone. I do have a valve on the pump but if I turn it down from where I'm at now, it makes no bubbles. I've seen plugging the air vent can help so I tried it for just a couple seconds and the bubbles went way down while still making a lot. Anyone have experience or ideas to help?

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Skimmers take sometime to break in properly and also oils,etc.. in the tank can also cause it to perform improperly.. Typically it can take a few hours to a few days or more to break in and start working properly.

I would think this all would be covered/mentioned in the manual.. Typically under a "break in procedure" section or similar..
Give it time..

Or return it because its not the best skimmer either..
Ok thanks for the reply. It's been going 3 days now and the level of bubbles in the funnel over for the collection cup haven't gone down at all. They are the lowest I can get them without losing the bubbles in the intake. Do u know anything about plugging the vent on the return line? It seemed to make mine more adjustable

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I can't tell if you are saying that the skimmer is overflowing or not producing any skimmate?

Turning the red knob on the return pipe will raise and lower the water/bubble level..
Not over flowing but close. It's about an 1 1-2" from the overflow. But I have the red knob adjusted to where it's as far down as the bubbles will go. If I turn it at all the bubbles start to rise. If I close the valve on the pump at all it stops making bubbles all together

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So whats the problem?
Do you know how a skimmer should work?

I'm failing to understand what the problem is if its not overflowing..

Do you want to open the valve on the venturi to create more bubbles but if you do that you will overflow?
Again... Skimmers take time to break in.. Read the manual..
Well from the research that I've done it seems like u want the water level like right at the ring that attaches the collection cup. Mine is way above that. When it actually does break in and start producing skimmate I'm afraid it's gonna start over flowing quickly since the skimmate won't have very far to go before it does over flow. Maybe I'm just worrying too much about it but mine looks fuller than anyone else's in their pictures

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Yeah even with my air valve all the way open I can't get it to go down that far. I didn't know u could post video. I'm at work right now but if y'all could bear with me till about 5 I will have a video posted and that could help better describe what's going on. Thanks for the help so far

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Great video.. Thanks!!

You need to adjust the flow control right after the pump to lower the water level.. (aka decrease flow).. Just slightly..
You might also try removing the foam on the return pipe..
Those get clogged quickly and lower the output flow rate..
Ok so I adjusted the flow valve and it's still going up into the cone just a little about an inch or so above the bottom of the collection cup but it doesn't make anywhere near the amount of bubbles in the main tank as it was doing. And I have bubbles everywhere in the main tank including underneath the bubble maker thing

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Yes remove complete "bubble diffuser" assembly and see what happens..
I suspect its restricting output flow heavily..
Well I tried removing that it just started spewing a bunch of big bubbles in the tank and didn't help the level at all. This hobby can be frustrating [emoji36][emoji36] lol shoulda bought a different skimmer but I don't have 230 for the reef octopus so the $60 had to do. I plugged the air vent on the return line and got the bubbles at the bottom of the collection cup so I will keep posted and let u know what happens. Thanks again

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I had one of those skimmers. The issue is the skimmer, nothing you are doing wrong. I returned it and get a better one (bubble magus, reef octopus, etc.). Mine did exactly what yours is doing, and I could never get it right, then 1 day it just flat out broke and I trashed it for a better model.

I am not very knowledgeable to HOB skimmers, but I'm sure that the larger more well known brands have solid options for HOB applications.

Good luck, but you will have nothing but frustration with that Coralife.
Yeah it was cheap. Heard mixed things about it. Prly more bad than good but all the videos I saw of sump set ups had coralife ones. But it's prly way different having a sump compared to a canister filter lol wish I could get a sump but don't really have the room plus it's a tempered glass tank. Guess I'll use it till it breaks and maybe have some money to get a better one

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My suggestions never skimp on skimmer's and lighting. With that said aquamaxx hob skimmer is probably one of the best ones for your tank it has great reviews everywhere! Marine depot has them on sale now I think 25% off

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Actually when I got home today I had beautiful brown skimmate flowing all the way up the tube and sticking to the lid. Glad to know its not a complete waste

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