Pump Decision


New member
Hello All, I'm in the middle of deciding what size pump I want to use for a return pump on the future 240 gl. I will be plumbing it in from the basement it will be roughly 16'-20' straight up to the tank.
The pump will be used to run the returns to the 240 as well as the two 29 gl's below the 240. Right now I'm thinking of using a Hammer Head pump. Would this be to fast of a flow rate through the filter process? Could I dial it down with valves with out hurting the pump?
The tank is set up to have two CLS pumps. I will be using 2 Hammer Head's to drive them.
I love my Sequence Tarpon Uno, and it's almost 100% silent (can only hear it if my hear is within 6" of the unit. I take the excess flow, and route it back to the sump for flow. It's about 3 months old now, and not one glitch as of yet.
Brian, I know I mentioned to you earlier that Im running a Sequence Hammerhead on my 240, plumbed from the basement. I meant to invite you over to check it out, but forgot to :o
If yould like to come by some time and see what kind of flow it gives, you know youre more than welcome to. Just shoot me a message or call the cell or whatever.
Sweet, that's what I've been waiting for. I'd love to come over and see what you have done with your new set up. I'll get with you and see what we can work out.