Pump for a 210gal

Don Lino

Premium Member
What would be an ideal sized pump for a 210gal return?? I was leaning towards a Sequence maybe the dart?? Please, any input would help out big...Thanks
we are in the process of setting up a 240 and we are going to be using the dart! acrylic sump came today and the skimmer should be here tomorrow so we are hoping to get it set up next week.
:) :) :)
We are in the process of setting up a 210 as well, how large of a sump/refuge are you planning on using?
Do you plan on running a closed loop or power heads? Are you going to be running high flow thru the macro &/or skimmer section?

Thanks just trying to see what other people are running.
You could go with a Mag 24 or a Mag 30. Iv'e used mag drive pump for a while now, and I have no problems out of them., they are alot cheaper to.
ive had some noise issues out of the mag drives, and heat. depending on your drains a dart or a snapper might be too much flow for you. i setup a 300 gallon with 2 1.5" drains, and we cut the valve back on the snapper due to noise and excessive flow issues. it would be better to run a smaller pump for a return, and a larger pump for a cosed loop, or something like a wavebox, or some powerheads.
Mike, they are 1.5 and 1 inch holes, but we are making all four drains with durso's. The sump is a 75gal sump drilled with two 1" holes about 3" apart. Flow will be two 2600 seio power heads and medium flow through the sump...Thanks all
you could probably use a dart with that setup, but it will be tricky to get all of the drains working together, and not giving too much flow to one or the other, causing excess noise, or flushing in the drains. you might be better off looking for a external pump that will give you about 1500-1200 gph after head calculation. ive got a tank with 3 1.5" drains, and i still turned back a snapper pump running it a little bit. it also has a 75 gal sump. with the four drains if you can get them balanced out, you could prob run a snapper i guess.

if i had to re-do that tank, i would only use two drains, and a small 1500-1200 pump, with more flow used in powerheads or a closed loop.
Joey, call John at FAOIS and ask him about Pan World Pumps. I have two of the 150PS Pan World Pumps for my skimmer. I have 3 of the Darts and I think the Dart is too much flow for a 75 gallon sump. I think you need to flow about 750 to gph through your sump, no more than that.
datablitz, I am currently running a a Snapper with 7' head loss and its pretty weak on my 120gal RR. I have this same setup with a 30gal sump and four durso drains, I wish I can crank that pump up a little higher. I was also thinking about changing out to a dart on that setup.
Mike, I will check into those pumps, I know u cant beat the low wattage that a dart or snapper puts out. 750gph flow applies for a fuge or a sump?? Didnt think it would really matter for a sump...hmm, something to look into
About 10 times per hour turnover in the sump is good. Drain about 25% into the fuge and 75% into the sump skimmer section.
Most folks who are using high turnover rates in the sump are also trying to use their return pumps for flow. Others use closed loops, powerheads, etc. for flow and use smaller pumps for tank turnover.

I'm going to use a mag 18 on my 240 for a return and Hydor Koralia Pump 4's for flow. One thing to consider regardless of the method you use or pump choice is that you don't want tremendous flow through the fuge section. I'll be locating my fuge on one end of the sump (with a slow flow) and my skimmer on the opposite. My return will be from the center.

Just something to consider. Like so many other questions in this hobby, there are many correct answers.
DrHank, I agree with your sump/fuge configuration. That's what I use also. I'm not sure how Joey's sump is setup. I guess that would be a good question.

Yo Joey, what sump/fuge configuration are you using???
I'm using a Sequence Wahoo on my 210. Granted I don't have much head pressure, but for me, its the perfect size.

I suppliment with (2) of the Vortech pumps for in-tank circulation