Pump(s) Selection


New member
Hi Roger,

I'm setting up a 96" x 48" tank that will have a 27" water level. What would be your recommendation of pumps? I'm thinking about 4) 6155's (2 at each end) and then maybe adding 2 more down the road. Or should I wait for the 6255's?

Thanks in advance
I don't think any more than 4 6155 would be needed, I could see doing this 2 ways, 2 6255 or 4 6155. Each has its advantages, the 4 6155 gives plenty of redundancy if a pump went down and needed repairs and gives some more options in fine tuning the flow. 2 6255 would be cheaper and occupy less space. Personally, I prefer having the redundancy.
Thanks for the response Roger. I think you mentioned that the 6255's would be out in 2 months? Will this be a June or July release date?
They will be shown at Interzoo for the first time (late May) and should be available shortly after.
I had some 6200.10 pumps in the past & they were quite strong. How does the new model 6155 compare to the older 6200.10? I'm still on the fence between the 6155's and the 6255's. I heard the new 6255's may not be available until late June/July now? Is that correct?
6200 had a bit more focused flow, the 6155 is a little wider but the flow is very close. 6255 is a very wide flow, the outlet is 3" in diameter. It is correct that this pump won't be available until July.
A lot of new technology and design changes have gone into these pumps so a little extra time has been needed. They will definitely be worth the wait though.

If you'd like to PM me your email address I'll be happy to let you know when they arrive in the US. You can also stay up to date on our blog (TunzeUSA.com) or Facebook page.
Hi Craig, I am in the same boat as the original poster. I have a 400 gal, 8 foot long tank with three sides viewable. I have been running two 6200's located at one end for the past 7 years but they finally decided to die on me. Now I am looking to replace, personally I don't like the vortex because of the inability to direct the flow. So which stream would most compare? The 6200's were rated at 5000 gal but was that using the same measuring technique that was found to be flawed? Would the new 6155 produce as much flow under the same circumstances?
Is there plans for a 6205 with over 4500 gals of flow and more focused then the 6255?
6155 would be the closest equivalent, 6255 will have a greater reach as well as wider flow. If you were happy with the 6200, you would likely be very happy with the 6155 and the 6105 with the wide flow and 24V setting would be just a bit weaker. We don't have any plans for further Stream models in the immediate future.
Thanks Roger, the rockwork on my tank is a center pillar running the lenght of the 8 foot section. Currently I have each of my 6200's on either side of the pillar pushing water down the 10" opening between the glass and the corals. The 6200's moved water even at the far end of my tank.
Looking at the flow charts, would the 6105 with the narrow nozzle push more water down the length of the tank or am I still better off with the more powerful 6155?
6105 with the narrow flow housing will have the farthest reach. 6255 will have a comparable reach to a 6105 with narrow flow housing but much wider. 6155 should be about the same as the 6200, slightly less because the output is just a tad wider.