pumping xenia (current)

Just Jim

Active member
I just got a LARGE colony of xenia and the spot that I put it in has almost NO current. Is this okay. I know they're not that fussy, but I figure they needed some current. Does anyone have xenia in a "dead zone"?
my xenia ranges throughout my tank, it truly does grow like a weed. as far as flow goes, they don't really care all too much either way
Well put, they don't like blasting , but do like current

Well put, they don't like blasting , but do like current

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7666364#post7666364 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cstires
My xenia prefer to be swaying in the current, they don't like low flow areas in my tank.
My xenia grew everywhere, current or not. The more current you have on them, the further they spread(and faster). The only reason my xenia are under control now is because my maroon clown decided to host in them!
I tried to cust some that my clown had hosted, and man is he protective ! He came at me several times. Funny how afraid I am of that little thing! He charged at me good. Then all I had to do was show him a green net, and he left me alone. Like he remembered it....
I have some in all areas. The moderate flow does best. Low flow, they don't pulse as well. High flow, they don't get a chance to stand too much and start to grow weird or decide to move off the rock!