Pumping xenia

Xenia seems to be very sensitive to salinity levels and I have found the pulsing to be more consistent when in less flow as others have said. Try turning off your pumps for 10 minutes and watch, also mine are more active in evening even with lights on. good luck
I have mine in a 2.5 gallon nano, so i just change water instead of skimming. I have a 13 wat compact flourescent . When I bought it it was about three inches tall and $20.00. However, it had been aquacultured and I assume a wild specimen would be cheaper.
Mine started with this bout 3 months ago... got the frag for 15 bux or somethin like that.


It has even grown a little scince that earlier pic was taken, which was maybe two weeks ago.

2x150W HQI, 2x120W PCs'. I have mine in low flow right now.

enemec, I don't see anything wrong with your params. What are you using to test salinity? Hydrometers are known to be inaccurate. My xenia was very unhappy, and I actuallly lost a small stalk a few months ago. Everything seemed fine. Then I bought a refractometer and it said my salinity was 1.031! I brought the salinity down slowly and now it grows like a weed.

FYI, my water is not "pristine". My trate levels often hover around 5-10 and I do have detectable phosphates. I have heard of some people having trouble with xenia in very clean water.
Thats what I heard. I am going to have a max bioload in my tank just for my xenia when I get it. The Xenia should benefit from the unclean water and the Xenia will help export nutrients.