I had a good time diving down there . I have only dove cozumel,jamaca, and punta. All in all I had fun.The waves were pretty rough in june and i hear the winter can be pretty bad since its on the west side of the island on the atlantic side. The dive masters were telling me to take a day trip to the south side of the island wich is tthe carribean side. Its a national park that is loaded with coral and fish from the pics I saw. It has a wall dive as well.I was going to go but it was a two hour ride there and back. They said they sevrved lunch and had 2 and 3 tank dives available. I didnt get a chance to do it since i was there for 5 days for a wedding. Not to mention my pregnent wife was pretty cool about me doing 6 dives whil;e i ditched her. she got to hang out with my sobber family lol.
the water was a deep blue with plenty of rock formations ,sea fans ,algea,fish,softies. On my 50' dive the dive site was out there about a half hour and the current was pretty strong. There were a few ship wrecks that were pretty cool as well. Its not austraila but any time underwater is a good time. if you get motion sickness bring something for it heck bring it and take it anyway.