Purple and Sailfin Tang 4 trade.


Wrasse aficionado
I have a 5.5 inch Redsea Sailfin and a 4.5 Purple Tang. I would like to trade my two tangs in with anybody that has a 135 plus aquarium since they have just about outgrown my 92 corner tank. If anyone is interested in these guys they are completely healthy and Ive had them for 7 months or so. I would like to trade for the same only smaller. I was at Coral Reef Farms today and they had some beautiful Redsea Sailfin and Purple tangs. They were all in the 2-3 inch range but they wouldnt trade them in (even though the larger fish are more expensive) since larger fish are harder to place. I know this is a long shot but I figured I would give it a try.