Purple Hornets


New member
Hey they are real nice. But man . people are going a liitle off the deep end here. You guys think they are that hot ?
I think it is more of a supply and demand issue. Why is the supply so low on them ?
Deep water ? region they come from ? false market?

I am a Zoa guy, but to me they are not all THAT hot ?
It's the next new fad. It'll fade with time. They stress easily when fragged and might not survive after it. I'm not all too impressed with them but they do look nice under actinics. :)
Their prices are ridiculously high and not worth it IMO, yet I would love to get myself a frag :)
They grow quickly, you should see the price drop pretty soon.

Remember, the buyer sets the price, not the seller.!
Who says supply is low? I think everyone is just led to believe this is the case so it will justify the sky high price. I personally know 6 or 7 reefers that have this morph, and I don't know too many reefers in general altogether ;) So to answer your question, the only explaination I can come up with as to why they are so expensive, is greed.

It's all to do with buisness now, not reefing. Even 1 out of 5 posts in this thread alone mentions making $$$ from them.

It's just not for me i'm afraid, I'll stick with my 'worthless' polyps thanks :)
Its just another bandwagon to jump on, As soon as another exotic comes along that not everyone has the prices will drop like a rock on these...
too high

too high

I hope they do come down as I won't pay more than a few dollars a head. The buyer may set the price but the problem is too many buyers willing to pay seller's prices.
I keep watching the market on the US mainland and some times I can´t believe that people pay that much for those inverts. Not only zoas, but corals and anemones... Just to say they have them and brag about the price. Waist of money and promotion of wrong prices for something not so amazing.

I mean... there are much more beautiful organisms in the trade with the same price or even lower of those promoted.

I understand that some amazing corals are hard to find (collect) and to maintain in captivity, then a higher price is acceptible.

If people would be kind to trade without changes this kind of stuff wouldn´t happen.
Just don´t buy them, and the sellers will stop doing it.

The prices of inverts in the trade are high at the beggining because there are those who like to promote it, buying and advertising they "finding" with pride.
Very sad!
In this case, the market is driven by consumers, not by the sellers IMO.

Nice thread! I agree that the prices are way to high, the only reason to get one is to grow it out and sell.

They are really beautiful though, I'd like to grow those out in my tank, but I think I'll go with these instead.



Theres barely any difference, except that the black hole suns are alot lower ;)
Ive been much happier trading zoas instead of selling when I can. Except a few times Ive traded and seen that same person turn around the next day, frag my frag and try and sell it for a huge mark-up. That irritates me a bit.
As soon as they flood the market with them they be on to the next morph and we will all saying the same about them.By the way I already dropped a good penny on the pur /hrts and true blues I'm such a sucker
Ive been much happier trading zoas instead of selling when I can. Except a few times Ive traded and seen that same person turn around the next day, frag my frag and try and sell it for a huge mark-up. That irritates me a bit.

I would go back to that person and have a talk with him/her.
Explain with love why it shoudn´t be done that way.
Most of the time it works.
Don´t let this kind of stuff get to your nerves.
It´s not worthy.
If 8 of 10 people get the idea it will be good for all of us, agree?

there are some crazy priced zoas out there this just happens to be one of them eventually everyone who was willing to pay a lot will then the market has only one place to go and thats down
I like the black hole suns better too... But I wouldn't mind having both the purple hornets are way too pricey....