Purple Up


New member
Has anyone out ther tried this stuff?:


I have a few pieces of LR that I bought a while ago with coralline on them, they are still looking good, but it hasnt really spread much to my other rock--- although this could be correlated to my algea problems as well-- anyway, was wondering what the groups thoughts were on this, or if its more a matter of patience to wait for the coralline to grow..
A lot of people slam it on RC, but it does make your rocks turn purple. This will happen on it's own more slowly if your Alk/Cal/Phos/Nitrates are right, but IME it does turn the rocks purple.

Just keep your Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium level stable and within the proper range. If you really want it to spread you need to release some of its spores, use a knife blade to scrape some coralline in a powdery form from the rock under water (The smaller the particles the better) and turn off your skimmer for 12 hours. USe some strontium supplement. That will do better than the purple up.
Yeah, I did the same thing, only used a toothbrush to scrape purple. Purple up worked quickly, but like jdieck said, it will happen on it's own if given the right parameters.
