Would quickly covering an aiptasia with putty or glue kill it and cause it not to spread or release more? Would leave the putty/glue on for awhile or forever. Just don't want this to cause them to explode.
I have used both with success and haven’t had them reproduce. I currently have three big aiptasia on a very porous rock that I can’t get this way though. No matter how many times I cover them they make it out of the side of the putty or through the rock. I have used aiptasia x in the past and don’t recommend it. It made them worse for me.
I have used both with success and haven't had them reproduce. I currently have three big aiptasia on a very porous rock that I can't get this way though. No matter how many times I cover them they make it out of the side of the putty or through the rock. I have used aiptasia x in the past and don't recommend it. It made them worse for me.
Yep. It "œkilled them" for about two weeks and then they came back smaller. Had the pumps off and did it correctly. I ran it three times, two weeks apart each time. It did "œwork" I guess by making them small enough that peppermint shrimp then devoured them. They missed these three though because the wrasse took them out before they got to them.
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