PVC posts vs baskets for rock support?


New member
My question is about how to support the rock on my DSB. I've seen the suggestion about using PVC as posts. I wondered if that might create a "dead area" inside the post (6" high x 6" diameter. I furthur wondered if it would be a good idea to drill a bunch of holes in the sides of the posts to allow critters and bacteria to get in/out. Then I wondered about using inverted (safe palstic) baskets embedded in the sand bed instead, they're mesh and would support the rock. Then I wondered, am I overthinking this?

Comments, suggestions more than welcome.

I took a plastic coat hanger, cut it into peices, drilled a hole in my LR, then put super glue on the cut up hanger and jammed it in the hole. It is a lot smaller/simpler then other Ideas I had seen presented. Only use 3 of them though, not 4 so the rock does not rock :). I have a BB tank and I used this to keep the rocks of the glass.

Use large T fittings there will a BIG hole in the side, thatââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s how I set up my tank.
Another good idea!
So far, no one thinks I'm overthinking this. I was beginning to think I've become as obsessed as my husband thinks I am. :)