Quarantine Tank


New member
Let's see your quarantine tanks and hear some details.
I'm getting back in the hobby and I want to do it better this time. First time around with SPS I had red bugs and AEFW's. I was able to defeat both, but I'd like to avoid them and as many other pest as possible this time.
Please share as much detail as possible. Time frame and anything else you can think of.

40 cube, Fluval 406 canister filter. Hypo salinity verified via refractometer, 1.009SG. Few PVC fittings for cover. Feed algae pellets and noir. Two weeks down, two weeks to go. Eating like pigs! They seem very healthy. Plan to also treat with hikari prazipro when it arrives Monday.

Hypo works very well for me, I can treat crypto and anything prazipro treats all at the same time. Been very effective! Not as stressful on the fish, easy to maintain, no testing/guessing/fussing with dose amounts and ammonia because the filters are killed. It's the best can not understand how everyone doesn't QT their fish.

My QT is very basic. I have a 20 gallon tank with a heater, thermometer, power head and some cheap t5 lighting. I do 1-2 gallon water changes daily or every other day using water from my display tank. All corals are dipped in Bayer every 5-7 days for about 6 weeks before going in the display or frag tank. I too had AEFW and red bugs a couple tanks ago and although my corals were doing fine with them, Id rather be pest free. As far as I know, this has worked well for me.