I have seen a number of posts where people say their Banded Coral has gotten a fish or some other animal so I believe that it must happen. But it always amazes me because I've watched my BCS try his very best to grab a fish or that cleaner shrimp and he is just SO slow that he never gets even close to making contact. He is really quick with all his little tiny hands underneath .... it's hilarious to watch him juggle when he's lucky enough to catch a bristle worm. But those big pinchers are slow and not only that, they're not that sharp or strong. He's taken to trying to come pinch my arm when I'm working in the tank sometimes and even if he gets me, it really doesn't hurt. I hate to say it but we all kind of laugh at his efforts around here.
Of course, I'm not saying that this one shrimp is the definitive CB Shrimp. I guess I'm just lucky that he's so inept. I've just always wondered when I've heard those stories whether the fish or shrimp that a BCS "killed" was actually dead, sick, or dying before the BCS got it.