Question about EURO REEF pricing


New member
In your catalog you list the EURO REEF ES5-3 for $248.00, on your website it is $268.00. Which one is the correct price? Are you still oferring free shipping on items over $175.00? I have found the same protein skimmer on another site for $248.00 + shipping, so please let me know what you price is. Thanks in advance............
Hi Spalmer114,

Thanks for your inquiry. Euro-Reef has recently changed their prices. The prices show on the website is correct, while the catalog price is dated as it was printed at the beginning of the year.

The $268 price listed on our website is the minimum advertised price, if you add the item to your shopping cart, it will give you a lower price. These Euro-Reef skimmers will indeed qualify for our free shipping promotion.

As for the price match, we are able to match the 'landed' price: which is the price of the item plus what the other company charges for shipping/handling. If it works out cheaper, we would be happy to match that price for you.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Marine Depot Customer Service