question about Nori


Premium Member
I've never had any tangs, so never used any of the dried seaweed, Nori stuff.

Was just curious about it though for some snails to snack on, as I have a variety of conchs and other snails that have grown rather large, and I know alot of people say if you don't have any algae in your tank, and don't want to lose your snails, to let them snack on Nori...

will it cause pollution if left in too long? like leaking phosphates or cells of algae that will lead to an outbreak?

how long should it be left in before taking the leftover out?

just curious. b/c I remember the old days when I had a FW planted tank, and had those plecos, and everyone said to supplement their diet with those algae waffers....which ALWAYS caused my tank to cloud up.
When it starts look weird take it out. It's pretty simple, you will notice. It probably wont cloud up your tank that much regardless but it will grow some interesting stuff after a while I'm sure. Your snails will probably take care of it if you add a small amount and you won't have to worry about it.