Question about pump and optical sensors


New member
Well here is my ordeal. I have my main return pump connected to an optical level sensor in my overflow box set up as leakage detection to avoid leakages via the overflow.
Here is the problem: I had a power outage this am that lasted approx 2 hours. Water raised in the overflow to a level that covered the sensor. Since sensor is connected to pump, when power came back, sensor was under water so pump DID not turn on.
Is there anyway to go around this?
Inquiring minds want to know!!!!
You might want to rethink where you want to put that sensor?
One of my rules, when I design things.

Make sure the alarm is real, if not then, is not a real alarm and should be not alarming.

You can set time limits till the pumps turn off (delay off), when the sensor sees a high level.
When the powers comes back, the controller turns on, it will turn the pump on while counting the time limit. The pump will pump the level back to normal if you set the right time limits, before it alarms again.
Thanks. I thought about placing the sensor there. Its doing what I want but thats my only concern....when the power goes off. Not sure how much delay I should give. Any other ideas where to use that sensor? I am at a cross roads here!!!!!
Thanks again for all your help
The delay should the time it takes for the pump to pump down to the proper level, after the power comes on, plus 5s.

You can always lower the sensor a bit to make up the time for the delay you added.