Question about Salifert Nitrate test


New member
Well I had been getting reading from my other 2 test kits for nitrates with one kit reading 10ppm and the other 15ppm (red sea and another pos). Well either way I finally received my salifert kits did the nitrate test and within the 3 minutes standing my color went to the red/pinkish color representing 100. Do I dive that by 10 and get 10ppm as my amount or do I really have 100ppm worth of nitrate level?.

I am kinda wierded out because of my corals are thriving but this does indicate my cyano problem contributer I have been trying to figure out. Any help would be appreciated.. My water changes consist of 16 gallons every 2 weeks, feed every other day, and have a decent bioload with an overrated skimmer.... I am kinda stumped.


if you look down through the sample, it's 100, if you look sideways through the container with the sample it's divided by 10.
I think that test kit only goes as high as 20mg/l as nitrate-nitrogen which is equivalent to 100mg/l of nitrate ion, either way is pretty high.