Question about under water epoxy


New member
I have a seam in my refugium that needs to be sealed. Is there anything that I can use underwater without completely draining my refugium and is there anything that will not affect my tank?
does it need to be 100% water tight? I used underwater epoxy in my sump on a baffle....but i don't care if it leaks. If you need it to be compleatly water tight i think your going to have to drain it.
I've been in your exact situation before. I ended up getting the outside of the seam as dry as possible then using fiberglass to reseal it. It worked, but was still a big hassel. You can get the fiberglass kits at home depot for 10-15 bucks.
I had a leak in my fuge too, probably beacause I built it. :). I used some gorilla glue on the outside, sealed it right up. It worked well because the glue is activated by a little water. It won't work if the leak is too big tho. Also, you have to be careful not to let any get in the fuge.