Hey all,
So my current settings for chiller control show a nominal temp of 78.62 and a Hysteresis value of .45 deg. This range was having my chiller turn on and off to often, so I choose to use this 'cooling difference' feature.
I set this value to .72 deg.
Based on what the manual says, this shoudl kick the chiller on at 79.34 degrees.
Problem is, it is now at 79.7 and still the chiller still is not on.
All settings were done in Celsius and then displayed in Farenhiet.
What am I missing here?
So my current settings for chiller control show a nominal temp of 78.62 and a Hysteresis value of .45 deg. This range was having my chiller turn on and off to often, so I choose to use this 'cooling difference' feature.
I set this value to .72 deg.
Based on what the manual says, this shoudl kick the chiller on at 79.34 degrees.
Problem is, it is now at 79.7 and still the chiller still is not on.
All settings were done in Celsius and then displayed in Farenhiet.
What am I missing here?