Question for those that do continuous water changes and ATO refills


New member
For all of you that have a task done and leave your RO/DI unit on at all times hooked up through a float switch to regulate when it comes on or off i have a question for you.

When i fill up my saltwater mixing containers with my RO/DI unit i turn my input water line to the system off when Im finished. I do this because I know that if it were to sit idle for some time and then be activated suddenly I would have high levels of TDS creep flowing through the lines for a while.

How do all of you that leave your RO/DI units constantly on (meaning that the second your float switch is activated the unit begins filling back up the container it is hooked to) deal with that spike in TDS of the water initially?

Do you just accept that its going to be a factor and deplete your DI resign that much quicker but the automation is worth that to you or what?

Is there anyway around that situation?

Why i ask all of this is because I have 2 tanks located on opposite sides of the house from my water change station. My limited space in my stands only allows me enough room for 5g ATO containers and i have a high evaporation rate in my tanks. I have to fill them up every 3 days or so. I would like to run a water line from my RO/DI right into the ATO containers with a float switch but worry about letting some of the higher TDS water make its way into the system by accident. Like if i dont catch that my filter or resin need replacing in time.

Also, since i have 2 ATO containers, and 2 holding tanks i would like them all to be refilling as needed automatically. Is this possible to create some type of manifold from 1 output line from my RODI unit? If i have the single output line with multiple "T's" in it going to the different tanks all with their own float switch would it activate the system each time no matter which tank around the house needs filling? I have a booster pump as well that is on my system so its autoshut off valve needs to be taken into account too.

Any suggestions?
In general, most people (myself included) advise sgainst this for the obvious reason that if your system malfunctions, you could end up with a dead tank from hypo salinity, a flood, or both.

RO systems don't function well with frequent small-volume use. BRS put out a video that goes over several options. the best option for reducing TDS creep is to have a solenoid on the filter and run it once a day or so. Bette yet, tee off of the line between the RO stage and the DI filter and have a solenoid there as well. Run this solenoid first for s couple minutes to flush the RO membrane, then close it and open the one coming off the DI membrane to fill your reservoir. I would still combine these with some other safeguards as well.
ive got my ro/di dumping directly into my ato 5 gal tank. I have 2 floats setup. one high one low. when the water level drops it triggers the bottom float and turns the unit on, then once it gets to the top float it shuts it off. runs about 4.5 gal when it runs once, maybe 2 times a week