Hi, Jason
This is John from hawaii I just recieved my bluepump and aqua UV sterilzer. The blueline pump inlet is chipped slightly due to box damage. One side of box is rip open which the inlet sticking out which caused it to chip. The pump looks ok but not sure if inlet will leak, dont want to take that chance. I called premium aquatics and there are going to send me another pump but
I wanted to know do you have to charge me again to ship out another pump to me ? I know I will get refunded later when damage pump comes in. But I hate to be charge again. The damage box and pump will be return since you filed a claim with UPS. There is no way Iam going to keep this pump.
How long does it take till UPS come and pick up damage box with pump?
This is John from hawaii I just recieved my bluepump and aqua UV sterilzer. The blueline pump inlet is chipped slightly due to box damage. One side of box is rip open which the inlet sticking out which caused it to chip. The pump looks ok but not sure if inlet will leak, dont want to take that chance. I called premium aquatics and there are going to send me another pump but
I wanted to know do you have to charge me again to ship out another pump to me ? I know I will get refunded later when damage pump comes in. But I hate to be charge again. The damage box and pump will be return since you filed a claim with UPS. There is no way Iam going to keep this pump.
How long does it take till UPS come and pick up damage box with pump?