oooh what a nice boss you have
If you're building a new house, making the tank a central feature should be incorporated into the house plans. I don't know if I'd go full bore and have it viewable from 4 sides though, that would require an overflow in the center, which is not something I'm fond of, of course that's just personal preference.
But large tanks need ventilation, you need to pull the moisture out of the air and have a plan already in place to do so, I see from your occupation, it says HVAC Contractor, so hopefully that plan you already know about
But having a dedicated equipment room for large tanks really is a huge benefit. Perhaps building this room off/in the garage area (assuming that's part of the house plans), you could get 3 viewable sides that way. Although there's something to be said about only one viewable side... look at Steve Weast's old tank (RIP),
As to the plywood part, can't help you much there, other than it's not that big of a jump to go larger. Here's an article of a guy who built an 800G tank.. even if it was freshwater *bleh* should be of some use