question on salt mixes


New member
I am definitely going to buy some salt in the group buy. I have been using the cheap petco brand. I was wondering which of the two salt mixes ( IO or Oceanic) has more calcium. I have noticed a slowing of growth in my coralline algae since I have introduced more corals. I have mainly softies but have 1 lps frag and 1 sps frag. I was just wondering if one or the other has more to offer to the person that isn't running a calcium reactor.

Thanks for any replies
Oceanic has way more Calcium than IO. Some people say unusually high levels, but I have never used it, so I cant speak personally.
Yes Oceanic has quite a bit higher Calcium levels than IO. I have used both. Now I use Reef Crystals but still think Tropic Marin is the best.......Its all personal preference as you will see from the responses....
All the brands are different in there make-up and will be different in there make up from batch to batch!!

Some people will tell you to find one and stick with it. Some will tell you to not use the same one for an extended period of time in order to keep the buildup of toxic residue (to our fish and corals)over time from the same salt. Each one will have different compositions and everything is not what we want in large amounts in our aquarium.

How often you change your water and how much is also a big issue in what builds up in your system and what does not.

Well now that I really confused you!! I use Oceanic, some tout great success with one or the other. Many mix the two Oceanic and Instant Ocean (In order to not make a real commitment)

Note that the men are actually more prone to do that!! :D

None of them are perfect. Use what works for you and Stick with a major brand and you will be OK just test your perameters!!

But getting in on a club buy for the membership is a way to save some money!!
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If you have high calcium demand corals and you are not running kalk drip or any other calcium supplement, then oceanic works great. I was using pure Oceanic and never had to add calcium. I have over a dozen lps and only one sps. I would really depend on your setup and if you dose any supplements.
Something no one is mentioning is that salt mixes are formulated with a certain specific gravity in mind. If you mix your water at a higher or lower spec. grav. versus what the mix was formulated for your levels will also be higher or lower compared to what they would be at the manufacturers target level.
Everyones advice is pretty sound except Dave. He doesnt seem to know what he is talking about half the time and the other half he calls me Carlos Chris or Ducklabdad for the correct answers. No jk that is a good point
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15091957#post15091957 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lucky.U
......... half the time and the other half he calls me Carlos Chris or Ducklabdad for the correct answers.

Not true.

I get all my info from Miss Cleo.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15091984#post15091984 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by just dave
Not true.

I get all my info from Miss Cleo.

I could tell by her commercials that she was for REAL. I always got annoyed by the "for entertainment purposes only" marquee they would put across the screen.
Contrary to what I previously said, Data suggests that IO has a
CA free ions of 503 mg/l, while Oceanic has (only) 462-443.

I was wrong.

I'll get a Box and get out now.....