Question on specific 7096 function


New member
Have not seen a manual online, so asking if this specific function exists.

I would like to put 2 pumps oposing each other.

One would be at 100% and the other at lowest/lowish setting.
I would then like the pumps to slowly ramp up/down so that the first pump goes down to lowest/lowish while the other goes to 100%. Then I would like to cycle this. I.e basicaly a tide or slow wave motion.

The more control of the time to ramp up down and how long the pumps can stay at "peak" the better.

Is this possible? If not, what is the closest I get?
You could use pulse mode, in this mode the pumps though rapidly switch from 30% - 100% or what ever percent in between you set, it is not a slow ramp up and down. If you download the 7096 program on our website, the manual is a PDF in the program file set.
Sorry to hijack, but I'm looking to do the same thing as requested by user above.

Roger, in the pulse mode they both follow the same cycle though right? So if you set them both from 30% to 100% on 5 seconds, they will both follow this. I'm okay with this but how can you get them to be opposite each other. When one is at 100% the other is at 30% and vice versa?
The 7096 is a 4 channel controller you can set each pumps 2 pulse speeds completely independently. i.e. one can go from 30-100 and the other can go from 80-40.
Roger, I see now how to set the flow min / max opposite (100 / 30 for one and 30 / 100 for the other) each other for two pumps. I completely missed that when initially setting it up, but how do you setup two independent pulse speeds? From the pulse selection, only one option is available for pulse that is extended to each channel. Also within sequential, only one pulse that is extended to all channels.

Am I missing something?