Question regarding osmolator frequent start ups.


New member
Hey Roger, I recently picked up a new osmolator and while I love it and cant imagine why I waited so long to pick one up, I am having a bit of an issue with the frequency of the pump coming on.

The pump seems to be coming on about every 3 minutes which seems excessive to me. I am only losing about 1/2 gallon to evaporation. The water level is perfectly still in the sump and is keeping the correct level which is good but I was wondering if I may have done something wrong during installation or if there is some way to adjust the frequency of the pump?

I have the blue wire currently connected to the connector with the black wire and white spots and the brown wire attached to the solid black one. Is this correct or should it be backwards?

Any advise you could offer would be greatly appreciated
The polarity of the pump connection does not matter.

How big is the tank it is set up on? On small tanks it does cycle far more frequently than on large tanks with the same evaporation rate. Is there any chance the sump level is surging due to a clogged filter or a breather that isn't working properly on a durso or stockman style stand pipe? On the newest osmolators you can adjust the pump flow rate so more water is added at a time. It may also just be that since it is new, some bubbles are sticking occasionally and triggering it more often, this will go away after a few days of use.
It is set up on a 46g, 22" cube. It runs off of a Glass-Holes overflow and the level of the sump seems to be keeping the right level with no waves or movement and as far as I can tell it is the newer style as I just purchased it and it does come with the magnets. I will try wiping down the lens inside the sump but just in case, how do you adjust the pump flow rate?
On Osmolators made this year, if you open the housing, inside is a potentiometer to adjust the pumps flow rate, there is also a user setting for the alarm function, you can turn it off, set it for too high only or too high and too low.