
Chef Reef

In Memoriam
im getting into reef tanks now im about to aquire some shroom or zoas. my question is what all is required to take care of them? do they need cal? how much? what about alk? food? how often to feed? i really dont know anything about taking care of corals that much. i have some xenia now and are doing verywell but i hear they will always do well.. even in battery acid :P so i cant really tell how well my tank is setup for owning corals. any help would be ... helpfull...

my tank is a 30 gal, and has been setup for about 7 months or so.. prolly longer i cant remember. i also have a koralia 3, a MJ600 and 2 other powerheads for random flow.. my tank stays at about 81-82 degrees as well
There is a Zoanthid forum here that goes over everything from identification to lighting requirements to diseases and treatments (look at the stickie’s in that forum). You can take a look and see what kind zoas you like from there. I believe keeping your range within the norm is fine. Your list has a cleaner shrimp; I'm sure that if the shrimp is fine then the zoas will be too. I've never done anything special for my zoas.

I think the trick is making sure you can spot any diseases or pests that will kill them and take action before it is too late.

You can also get some zoas from someone on this board. They can definitely let you know what each zoa would need.

what kind of lighting do u have?

zoas and mushrooms are very easy to care for.
For the most part they should photosinthisis (Sp) with good light i belive. But i still feed them other food:

Longer stemed wood polyps and mushrooms will take brine shrimp directed at them. (i feed mine one by one with an eye droper to prevent less just floating all around.)
I also put a little phytoplankton in once a week. which u should do for your duster anyway direct it the same with a eye droper. I put some one my buttons polyps to but i dont know it it helps them the dont realy close up on brine shrip.

and i do this a hour befor ever other change to then get anything that wasn't eaten.
ill be getting either some metalic pink zoas or some neon green rics through a trade. right now i have PC light and thats what they are under ATM and they look greak.
Those pink zoas will be fine. Rics can be tolerant but some are kind of fragile. Just ask whoever you're buying from how well they hold up.

Those corals do not require direct feeding, as they're mostly photosynthetic, however they can benefit from a direct feeding every now and then. The biggest thing is consistent good water conditions from water changes.

All the calcium or other additions they'll ever need will be replenished from water changes, so you shouldn't have to worry about that.

Good luck :)