Questions about 480 gallon Wood tank build.


New member
I about to have a new tank built, It will be a wood in wall tank with an Acrylic viewing panel. I really want it to be 72 long X 48 high X 32 front to back but I am unsure what Acrylic thickness to use for the front viewing panel. The tank will be FOWLR. I cant go more than 32" from front to back without doing a lot of work to the room where the tank will be. The tank will have bracing trim of 1.5" around the front viewing panel and there will be eurobracing on the top as well. Will 1 inch do or should I go up to 1 1/4" I know of people that have 1 1/4 inch on full acrylic tanks of this size but I know I will have a lot more bracing than those tanks, so can I get away with 1" any help would be great.

Thanks in advance
I used 1 1/4" on my 46" tall tank because I didnt want it to bow. Its been up for almost 3 yrs with no visible deflection.
1.25" or even thicker IMO. But kinda depends on what the actual height of the viewing area is..
1"...I wouldn't even consider it :)


Would you recommend something else other than GE RTV100 Series silicone for gluing the Acrylic viewing panel to the tank?

Thanks for all the info.

Would you recommend something else other than GE RTV100 Series silicone for gluing the Acrylic viewing panel to the tank?
Absolutely, Dow Corning 795. It's a neutral cure so takes about 2 weeks to fully cure but no silicone sticks better to acrylic. It's the standard in public aquariums.

What is the max height you can go with 3/4 Acrylic?

I have a Regal Plastics that I can get it from. We used to use 1/2 or 3/4 all the time for car subwoofer boxes.