questions about a 180 setup


Just hanging out
Premium Member
Hello folks I will soon be fortunate enough to make it into the large tanks forum with a 180 display tank and a 55 sump/refugium.
My question is I have a Dolphin Ampmaster 7500 pump and a Mag drive 18. Would it be best to use the Dolphin on a closed loop and the mag as a return pump or vice versa.
Any input will be greatly appreciated. I will be documenting the build with a ton of pics i hope.
Thanks alot
I'll be keen to watch your progression, I am soon going to be setting up a 180 "in wall", and will be watching closely, when are you starting the build thread?
I would use the one with the most flow for the closed loop and the other for the return. Have fun.
I would use the Mag 18 for the return and the ampmaster for the CL. Now point in running that much flow through your sump, may as well keep it in the tank where it does the most good.
yeah i was kind of thinking the same think. I wasnt really sure the 55 could keep up with that much flow or not. Now I just gotta redraw how i need the CL set up. My wife has put her foot down and said NO to powerheads if at all possible lol. So ill probably add at least 2 eductors to the CL.
Bender or mako you have any pics or a link to ur build?
Are you going to have the CL drilled into the tank? If not, I opt for the Koralias (Less watts and lots of flow). I recently attempted a manifold CL on a pre drilled AGA 210g. Plumbing was a pain. Ended up going with the Koralias and actually had more flow. Just something to think about.

Also use the head loss calc on RC.
anyone got pics of there closed loop system on a 180 sized tank trying to get ideas for placement. My glass guy is coming monday to drill the tank.