Questions about starting a copepod culture


New member
Hey everyone! I'm planning to start culturing copepods at home in a 5 gallon tank and was wondering a couple things...
1- Is it necessary to cure the tank before adding the copepods? I've seen a lot of people online culturing copepods in containers like a two liter bottle so I know they didn't culture it first. I would be testing the water and doing water changes regularly.
2- How many pods should I add at first? I was planning on using the Algagen Tisbe pods that come in a plastic bag...I'm not sure how many are actually in there so should I just add one bag or multiple bags?
3- What should I feed them to achieve optimal culture growth? I know most people just use regular phytoplankton but are there any supplements that would help? I already buy Phytofeast Live for my reef tank so would adding a few drops help spur growth? Any other supplements?

By the way, I'm culturing them for a couple different dragonet species.