questions for ZeoVoit(sp) users.


New member
im gonna be using this stuff on my new 75g BB sps reef,& i would like to know which ones you guys are using,my LFS carries about 6 different ones.TIA.
For starters, just do the basic 4. Zeolites, Bak, food and start 2. You can also try AAHC and CV. Just dont do zeo without fully understanding the concept or it may cause problems.
Zeovit is a brand name specifically designed for salt water useage.

Zeolit is a generic name describing a mineral/type of stone. The zeolits you see in your LFS are most likely designed for freshwater ammonia removal and will quickly devastate your saltwater tank (by sucking all the calcium out among other things). DO NOT use these in your saltwater tank!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6481838#post6481838 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by examiner
Zeovit is a brand name specifically designed for salt water useage.

Zeolit is a generic name describing a mineral/type of stone. The zeolits you see in your LFS are most likely designed for freshwater ammonia removal and will quickly devastate your saltwater tank (by sucking all the calcium out among other things). DO NOT use these in your saltwater tank!

Do you know anything about the Mag rocks you can put in your ca reactor
To begin zeovit you will need the following:
Zeovit Reactor(It can be a DIY reactor too)
Zeovit Rocks(1 Bag of it will do 100 US gallons)
ZeoStart 2(Removes phosphates and nitrates)
Zeofood(Feeds corals benefitial Amino Acids)
Zeobac(I think it adds the good bacteria to the tank for corals to use)

If you want, you can also try Pohl's Coral Vitalizer and Amino Acids High Concentrate.

CV and AAHC can be used without Zeovit. These 2 products have proven themselves to color up the majority of acros and increase polyp extension.

Please be sure to understand how Zeovit works because it you don't follow the proper steps then you run the chance to loosing some if not all of your hard corals.

For more info on Zeovit refer to this site:
[url removed]

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ReefRocker is right.

And this is in no way any commentary towards the Zeovit system, but just so Expedition will know....the basic 4 that Deuce refers to will run you about $100 + shipping for the first 6 weeks of useage. Then you'll need to change out the zeovit rocks on a regular basis, which is another $20 bucks or so. I'd guess for a 75 gallon tank, it'll run you about $25/month in total costs, and I think you need to be somewhat committed to it for the long haul.

Of course, you'll also need a reactor and a pump ($75 DIY or buy one for $200).

The other supplements that ReefRocker recommends have generated some favorable reviews, but they'll set you back another $100 for the smallest sized bottles.

Not meant to discourage, only to inform!
If you'd like to witness a portion of Zeovit's ability then you should first try Pohl's Coral Vitalizer, it colors up corals depending on your nutrient levels. The 50ml bottle costs $60 and the 100ml costs $100.

EXPEDITION, if you'd like to try out either the Basic 4 or one of their supplements, PM me because I know a Zeovit dealer near you. I'll tell you how to get in contact with him.
I used it on my 50 cube and it does yield results. But you must follow the instruction. I am currently setting up a 270 gallon SPS tank and I will be using Zeovit on this tank. I had teh reacotr custom built by a fellow zeo user to hold 3 liters of zeoliths.

When you tink of the reasons why you buy a coral in the first place and spend a ton of money..... its the color. I have had brown nasty pieces that I got on clearnace literally from teh LFS turn into true gems in the ZEO tank I had. That is why I know it works
what's the DIY reactor. i'm starting zeo soon and am thinking of using right in sump. zeovit says it can be used like this. i have no room under 92 corner stand for a reactor w/ plumbing. no room in sump either. if a DIY reactor is small enough, i'll do it. i was also thinking of using in a fluval.
my dentist's 180 is a zeo tank and it looks better each time i see it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6488746#post6488746 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DMK
what's the DIY reactor. i'm starting zeo soon and am thinking of using right in sump. zeovit says it can be used like this. i have no room under 92 corner stand for a reactor w/ plumbing. no room in sump either. if a DIY reactor is small enough, i'll do it. i was also thinking of using in a fluval.
my dentist's 180 is a zeo tank and it looks better each time i see it.

The diy reactor is a calcium reactor that has a valve incorporated to keep flow at a certain ammount.You will get tons of info @

Thanks guys 4 all the help.
I almost feel that zovit is a sham,

They say to do lots of water changes, heavy carbon, heavy protein skimming, but the most important part is the over price rocks. Give me a break.

I run 4 miles a day but its the diet coke I drink that helps me lose weight.

crime rate goes up when ice cream sales go up. but not because it is summer and more people are outside.

To many scams are taking over my beloved hobby.

Unless you have evidence that it does not work I suggest you keep your comments to yourself. These comments do not help answer Expiditions questions. Please post useful comments!

No skepticism allowed :rolleyes:

Honestly, you will only get one side of the picture of Zeovit; as those who have questions or concerns about it are generally run out of town/not allowed to post.
They are often labelled as `haters' or some other term ... so most folks have learned just to be quiet as any questions about the system get you called nasty names.


[if it did nothing at all, I doubt people would have concerns about it]
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I didn't say it doesn't work. If I sprinkle Druluv's fairy dust everyday while doing 20% Weekly water changes, heavy carbon, heavy protein skimming. Will you buy my fairy dust.
druluv - I love that ice cream example and I use it all the time - there is almost a one to one correlation with the # of muggings in central park and ice cream sale volumes therefore ice cream is causing muggings! - good example post hoc ergo proctor hoc logic (sp?) - (it happened after therefore must have been caused by) - at the same time you haven't proven that it does not work just because their secrecy raises suspicion
Make your tank sparkle with druluv's fairy dust. hand scoop from the finest pristine beaches where no one swims. Sprinke a pinch of this every day of the year, and every year. Your acros, and montis will just pop out of your tank. Trust me!! it is only 99.99 a month for druluv's fairy dust. If you act now you will get druluv's special magic mud. Scooped from my backyard, to your fuge.

In fine print:
Make sure you do 20% Weekly water changes, heavy carbon, heavy protein skimming. This just helps the dust work better.