Quick Question Concerning Large Tanks & Water Changes


New member
Okay, I've been looking at most of these large tank topics(and drooling). I can't imagine doing some of the sizes being shown here - 1500 gallons, 900 gallons, etc. These tanks are amazing!! The one where they had to use a crane to get the tank & stand over the house. WOW!!!

I just want to know for those doing these huge tanks, are you doing weekly water changes? Or has the system been designed to have enough water movement & filtration so you don't have to do weekly water changes?

One of these days I'm going to finally go to saltwater but just not yet.
I would think that they can get away without doing it so frequently but it would catch up to them. I can't imagine the water bill though.
I change 50g a week on my 600g FOWLR. My tank is lightly stocked so I probably dont need to change as much as I do but Ive gotten into the habit of doing it anyway. The salt cost me 38.00 a box so its less then 10.00 a week. I have mine set up so that I turn valves and flip switches... has to be easy or you wont want to do them.