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I have no idea what out of my order was infested or if it all was but something out of my recent and first order from them had an infestation of flatworms. I ordered some cerith & nassarius snails as well as 3 different algaes. I have NEVER had a single visible flatworm ever in my nano or on any of the rocks I have put in my new 20L (all were treated and cleaned and qted before adding) However within 2 days there started to be signs of them however I didnt realize that was what they were till I was staring and watching my tank tonight I cant believe how fast they replicate. I didnt even think I should have to quaranteen algae or snails....sigh.

I am just so p-oed I wrote them to let them know....I havnt added ANYTHING new to the display so I know thats where they had to come from.

Used some prazipro I had on hand going to go find some flatworm exit tomorrow....siphoned out as many as I could....I might try to find a spotted mandarin tomorrow and try that out to I hear sometimes they eat them as well.
I would do the mandarin or a wrasse before using the flatworm exit. The flatworms will or can put off a toxin when they die, and can nuke the tank in the process, if I remember correctly.

I had the little brown flat worms at one point in my 29. I got a spotted mandarin from Klaus, and withing in about 2 days, I saw no more flat worms, just a fat mandarin.
The problem with just getting a fish to eat the worms is that there is a very good chance it will not eliminate the entire population of flatworms. Once the fish dies or you remove it from the tank they will return.
I now have a 6 line and spotted mandarin in the tank They did not seem to go for the worms though I did a flatworm exit treatment sucked them out as they kicked the bucket and I sucked some out yesterday and this morning before the treatment to. I also did a 25% waterchange. I hope everything will be ok. Im trying to be conservative and proactive. The folks I got the algae and snails from are insisting they didnt come from the but I had not one stinking sign of a flat worm till I added the stuff from them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15380356#post15380356 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iggygrl76
I now have a 6 line and spotted mandarin in the tank They did not seem to go for the worms though I did a flatworm exit treatment sucked them out as they kicked the bucket and I sucked some out yesterday and this morning before the treatment to. I also did a 25% waterchange. I hope everything will be ok. Im trying to be conservative and proactive. The folks I got the algae and snails from are insisting they didnt come from the but I had not one stinking sign of a flat worm till I added the stuff from them.

I would also suggest running carbon if you are not already.

It should be noted that flatworms do lay eggs and the period for them to hatch can sometimes be weeks. I have not had the type of flatworms you have but I have had the acropora eating ones and their eggs are very hard to see.
Yep im running carbon I did another treatment tonight t oget a few straglers I couldnt reach....I will definately be keeping an eye out these lil buggers are a PITA. I just never really thought to qt algae and snails!