Raccoon Butterflies and Tridacnas


RC Mod
Staff member
RC Mod
I currently have a very small (1.5") Raccoon Butterfly in my propogation tank to control Anenonia Majanos.

Since we will be moving the first week of July, I am taking this opportunity to get ready for a much larger tank. Until I can afford the new tank, I plan to house all my livestock in a 300 gallon rubbermaid stock tank and use the 100 gallon prop tank as a sump for my skimmer, reactor, etc.

I currently only have one Ultra Crocea (thanks to losing 8 clams to the bacterial infection last year) but don't want to risk the clam becoming a meal for the Raccoon. So, what are your experiences with Raccoons and Tridacnas?

So far, my Racoon has not touched either of my clams, albeit the Maxima has only been in the tank now for less than 1 week. The coon is about 3-4".

Just wanted to give an update. The Raccoon and T. Crocea have now been in the same tank together for almost 3 months with no problems.

My advice: never let down your guard!! I had 5 clams that my Butterfly didn't touch for several months...then I think "Rascal" got bored one day and gave one a nip...next thing I knew, he'd take a vicious swipe as he went by...seemed to be for no reason at all. The clams started getting "shy" (closing quickly as fish swam over them - which they never did before) and one clam really was taking the brunt of it. The fish had to go! Wait until you try to catch a Racoon though! Persistance and a trap finally worked.

Best of luck!
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