Radion adjustment

itz frank

Gives Bad Advice.
So I've run my gen 3 30rw radions at 60 percent and today I turned them up to 100 after seeing a member's tank here that runs at 90%.

It's only been a few hours but one of my acros has white strings coming from a few of its polyps.

Is this an indicator that it is too bright? I found the program on another forum posted by the owner of battle corals. He claims he runs his tanks at 100% intensity.

I don't think the white channels ever get over 50% May even be less.

I would back off a bit. Never a good idea to suddenly increase intensity 40%. Best move would be to gradually increase 5-10% weekly until you reach the final desired intensity. GL
That is a huge jump in intensity. I wouldn't increase any more than 5% at a time. It doesn't seem to take much with LEDs to go from OK to too much.
Settle down there! Adam used to run his radions WAY off the water and he was using the wide angle lenses. Makes a HUGE difference. His program is also VERY long.

I have to send you my program. There are a lot of factors involved. Like I mentioned via text, you need to raise you lights, get a program you like, start low, like 45% and go up from there. 100% is super intense. I'm at 65% now, and I expect I'll settle at around 75-80, but if I can push to 100 I will, but I go weeks before each 5% increase.

A PAR meter would be helpful as well.
Lol. I'll draw it back. Polyp extension actually seems very good. I shortened the photo period down from Adam's program. My lights are currently installed inside my canopy and they can't be raised higher because of the hanging kit that I have.

Adam's program actually seems pretty good and the only thing I wish is that it was a little bluer. I should also mention that none of my corals are more than half way up my tank.