Radion connection problems


New member
Im having issues connecting a g2 pro to my ecosmart account. it finds the device and reads the serial number but freezes when retrieving details for radion.... says a timeout has occured while loading your devices. Ive factory reset, unplugged, uninstalled and reinstalled connection manager, rebooted my computer. getiing frustrated. any ideas?
also i have a gen2 non pro that recognizes immediately on my account when connected so its not the connection manager ....

It could be that your light has some type of hardware issue. I would recommend calling in today for more advanced troubleshooting.
Thanks Alex. I am able to connect and program the light using the old desktop config utility so thats what im doing for now. I did contact support via email but unfortunately dont have time to sit down and diagnose right now. As it stands it works fine just cant get it to load into my ecosmart live profile.