Radion xr30w vs AI Hydra vs AI Hydra 52


New member
I am thinking about upgrading my lighting system. I am currently running a DIY rapid LED setup. But I would like to go with more of a full spectrum light that is easier to control. I have a few colors on my setup now,but in order to individually control all of the LED colors with my Apex I would need way more drivers and additional VDM module, etc.. Thinking at this point the difference in money/time is not really worth it.

I have used the Hydras and them seem nice. But I have never messed around with the Radions or the AI 52's are just making there way to stores now.

AI Director is really cool. Got a chance to use it for a while the other day.
But I run vortech pumps and wouldn't mind syncing my pumps and lights together with ecosmart and maybe the reeflink.

Would love to hear everyone's opinion.

By the way,these lights will be going on a 84x24x26 tank.

Thanks in advance everyone.
I have the radions running on my 540 with mp 60s if you would like to see them .....radions hands down if you can ....and now with the apex supporting wireless to both its sweet
Don't think I can swing the pros. I have UV running in my DIY setup and I actually like the look. Wondering if I would miss it with the standard radions?
i have the G2 and in about a month i will be selling it.
i like the look of t5's better.
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Don't think I can swing the pros. I have UV running in my DIY setup and I actually like the look. Wondering if I would miss it with the standard radions?

I have the pros yes.....

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