Rainbow Acans brown/red but growing


New member
I spent all day looking for threads on this but no one has an answer or any strategy.
tank setup
Radion G3 pro 40% intensity mostly blues
24 inch tank height. lights 10 inches above water.
440 calc
1480 mag
9.5 alk
1ppm nitrate
.1 phos

Acans are on the sand bed not in the shade, currently ive been raising my nutrient levels because it used to be 0 nit and 0 phos but 1 month of having detectable nitrates and phosphates and no change at all.

:headwallblue: all other corals sps zoas etc look good. just my acans come in looking like a rainbow and turn red/brown/orange but they are growing and super puffy. they dont look sick or dying they have little heads popping out and everything. i dont care for growth i want color.... =( any suggestions?

more light maybe because its brown??? or put in shade next or increase more nutrients??