I would like some thoughts and opinions on what I have going on here, please. Below are my measured tank parameters (Red Sea Pro & Hanna kits). This is my first adventure into SPS so I really don't know what if anything is wrong with the coral.
65 Gallon mixed reef
Phosphate: 0 (I know I have some because of some algae on the sand)
Nitrate: 0
Alkalinity: 9.6
Calcium: 450
Magnesium: 1460
pH: 8
These have been consistent measurements since the tank cycled earlier this year. I put this rainbow frag in my tank three weeks ago and it was brown (it was recovering from a power outage). From the beginning, it has had the polyps extended and has shown no signs of stress. About a ten days ago I started noticing the coral began to lighten up (expected would happen) and then I started to notice one area on the main trunk where it branches was much lighter than any other part (see photos below).
Is this normal or is something wrong? Its encrusting on to the rock faster than any of my other corals and the polyps are still extended throughout the rest of the coral. In the light colored area, the polyps seem retracted though. Should I be concerned?
65 Gallon mixed reef
Phosphate: 0 (I know I have some because of some algae on the sand)
Nitrate: 0
Alkalinity: 9.6
Calcium: 450
Magnesium: 1460
pH: 8
These have been consistent measurements since the tank cycled earlier this year. I put this rainbow frag in my tank three weeks ago and it was brown (it was recovering from a power outage). From the beginning, it has had the polyps extended and has shown no signs of stress. About a ten days ago I started noticing the coral began to lighten up (expected would happen) and then I started to notice one area on the main trunk where it branches was much lighter than any other part (see photos below).
Is this normal or is something wrong? Its encrusting on to the rock faster than any of my other corals and the polyps are still extended throughout the rest of the coral. In the light colored area, the polyps seem retracted though. Should I be concerned?