Random coral die off...

Yeah I feel like if that's the kind of people who are writing articles then this isn't the kinda hobby I want to be in anymore. Basically what I got from his response is "you aren't doing what I'm doing so you need to give up and do what I do instead"
Yea and your response was very valid. No ones results will be the same copying others even perfectly because no 2 systems are the same.

I wouldn't give up the hobby cause of one dbag like that though. Its funny you say you are having random things die cause I feel like I have been having this problem with some coral. I had at least 5 bright green yumas slowly shrink and fade away and disappear. And then same thing happened with a bunch on green hairy shrooms.

Sunset monti faded and dying

Acans not opening as full and heads on my massive frogspawn fading away slowly. I don't get it, I have see much worse maintained systems with better results its frustrating for sure

I feel your pain man. We all have our moments of clarity and our moments of darkness and responding in the way that this guy responded is not a professional or even a bit helpful in my opinion.

Please don't get discouraged by this experience. I've encountered my share of people like this in the hobby, but the helpful and friendly individuals far outweigh that bad.

Now on to your problem. This may sound stupid, but being an analyst by heart, I'm good at seeing patterns and as of lately, I've seen what you have described happening to many others in this hobby, in a very similar way.

I don't know what is causing this in our area, but the data is there and we need to figure this out at some point.

Many have blamed Chloramines, Chlorine, Copper, chemical warefare between corals, etc. And I have no idea if any of this is true or even possible, but they all sounds like good possibilities that are worth exploring.

I really hope we all join forces and figure this out soon, because many beautiful tanks are being lost to this problem and that is a shame.
Lol, Ill probably get in trouble for the response I put up. Just tell them you dont know me, never met me (the truth). I have no patience for the high and mightys in this hobby. I dont care how long you've been doing it, how many "tank of the month" youve had. The information and techniques to be found in reefkeeping are alot like medicine I find (my line of work). One week, if youre not dosing aminos (example) like in so and sos tank youre doing it wrong, next week it will be something else and if you ARE dosing aminos youre behind the times, nobody does that anymore.

The comment about the "fancy german test" or whatever sounds like jealousy or pure snob to me. Who doesnt want to run a triton test?

That right there is why I only venture out of the local forum for buying and selling.
That guy is a dizick! Maybe your corals are killing each other? I would think the only other thing it could be is the water.. Not sure, good luck with your tank. Oh, almost forgot. Don't give up, your livestock is counting on you. Your fish and corals must survive!
I just read that thread and was a bit perplexed with his response after you supplied all the pertinent details...
Anyway, one thing no one has asked about is flow. Are those corals getting enough? As our tanks grow out, flow changes and if they don't get enough, yada yada gas exchange etc. I have a spot in my tank which coral doesn't like and I'm sure its flow related.
Tough to explain STN or RTN in some cases.

I have two very similar species of acropora start STN with in weeks of each other.

Red Planet and Christmas Maribilus

The crazy part is, I fraged the tops of each before the entire colony went and the frags I salvaged are growing very well.

I changed nothing in my routine.

So my answer is ... ... ... "MEH".

I agree, there are some SUPER weirdo's in this hobby.

Some may think I am one of them. :hmm6:
All I can say is - you learn from experience.

and surprisingly - I don't mean your learning from your coral die off experience.

You learn that some people give good advice, are truly trying to be helpful and are generally good people.

You also learn the flip side of that. You learn that some people just perpetuate myths, dont know what they are talking about (but seem like they do) or are trolls - giving advice that is flat out wrong to get attention and a rise out of you.

the problem is this is the internet. Even if you only take the advice from the first group - sometimes you can be persuaded by the second group. The best thing about this is - it's the internet. you can switch it off by taking a break for a while.
Todd, just saw this. Don't get discouraged. I posted in your original thread. I'm not sure why Joe acted like that. In my dealings with him he's always been cordial and very helpful. I anticipate he'll apologize and help. He definitely is good at keeping a reef, but his response was far from helpful.