Random Coral Shots


Active member









Nice shots....... BUT can I make make a sugestion......Knock down your picks to around 500 as a jpeg............this makes for a better photo for us to look at.

I did this for you........see what you think.....Happy Reefin


Random Shots

Random Shots

Spectacular pics, as always Rev. I really enjoy looking at both your corals as well as your photography. As I've said before, excellent skills!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12311097#post12311097 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Flipper62
Nice shots....... BUT can I make make a sugestion......Knock down your picks to around 500 as a jpeg............this makes for a better photo for us to look at.

I did this for you........see what you think.....Happy Reefin



I completely disagree. 800 width is perfect.

Great pics Rev

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12311097#post12311097 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Flipper62
Nice shots....... BUT can I make make a sugestion......Knock down your picks to around 500 as a jpeg............this makes for a better photo for us to look at.

I did this for you........see what you think.....Happy Reefin



His original pics look great to me... at the same time my laptop is 1680x1050. You just need a higher resolution monitor! :D ;)

Great looking shots, Rev!

I still have to get some of those in pic #8. Maybe the ETRC swap in June? ;)

Those are awesome Rev! So I see you finally got that red plate. Where'd you get it and how much did it run you? PM me.
RevHtree-Awesome pics.

I am browsing this forum looking for possible camera purchase and of course tips.

Is the camera you are using this one??

Rebel XT

If it is i dont see spending an extra $200-300 for other cameras widely recognized in this forum.
Hello everyone and thanks for the comments! :)

I am indeed using the Rebel XT, but you will need a lens to get the macros I am getting. I am using the Canon 100mm 2.8 macro lens. :)

Save the money on the camera so you can buy lens. They are the key!
how about post processing? do you do a lot of that?, if so with what?

those are some amazing pics!!!, some of the best ive seen on RC.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12324043#post12324043 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AquamanE
how about post processing? do you do a lot of that?, if so with what?

those are some amazing pics!!!, some of the best ive seen on RC.

I wonder the same thing. I recently got a new camera but have no idea how to use half of the features...