Rapid bleaching


New member
This SPS had been thriving no issues and then suddenly bleached literally overnight. Ca480, DKH 10.2, P04 0.04, nitrates 5. We are in the middle of summer but maintaining temps between 25-26 deg Celsius with chiller. Other corals look fine. Any ideas?


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the answer should be the same for anything that drastically changes like this. Water change.

But specifically, it would be up to you to do some investigating. Anything new recently? Did someone put something in the tank? Maintenance change? House cleaning supply's change? Lighting change? Make sure you dont have pests.

Secondly a dark blue picture doesn't help at all. At the end of the day really only you can answer this as you have 100% history of the tank. It would be hard to guess from a blue picture what caused one coral to die off.

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It's been my experience that any SPS can bleach for any reason at any time...but usually it's chemical parameters, lighting and flow...these guys need more than most LEDs give them, and need strong water current.

Could be several reasons tho.

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the answer should be the same for anything that drastically changes like this. Water change.

But specifically, it would be up to you to do some investigating. Anything new recently? Did someone put something in the tank? Maintenance change? House cleaning supply's change? Lighting change? Make sure you dont have pests.

Secondly a dark blue picture doesn't help at all. At the end of the day really only you can answer this as you have 100% history of the tank. It would be hard to guess from a blue picture what caused one coral to die off.

Give us some info and we can help

That is the thing. No changes to anything. Everything very stable and all other SPS in tank doing fine. I don't microdose anything so wonder if it is a nutrient thing. Nothing much to see really on the picture except a dead white remain of an SPS.

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Those Aiptasias stinging it could have easily caused this. Just my 2 cents.

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Was thinking that too. Good example of why blue lighting while taking pictures isnt a good idea. They almost look like Serpent stars. Cant really tell.