Rapid LED Help


I am SO confused right now. I've had this fixture set up for over 6 months. I have 2 dimmable ballasts with the DIY 2 color kit. One ballast is for whites and the other ballast for blues. The blues won't turn on. I undid the wiring and reconnected it and nothing. I used the ballast from the white working LEDS and connected it to the blue strand and it won't work. I used the blue ballast to try and power the white working strand and it doesn't work. I tested each LED individually and each blue LED works. So now I connected the not working blues to a normal not dimmable ballast I have laying around and it works.

I'm so confused how the working White ballast doesn't work on the not working blue LEDS. Yet a nondimmable driver works.

Does anyone have any ideas?

- Left works. Right does not. Left working ballast does not work on right but nondimmable ballast does.
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Take a volt meter and check voltage from dimmer should be from 1 to 10 volt. Also make sure there is not a wire on the string that has grounded on the heat sink
Your 10volt will be connected to one side or the other. Then you need to use a piece of wire to bridge the two pots
Everything was working 2 days ago. Its been up and running for over 6 months. I'm just not sure why all of a sudden it stopped. Everything is wired correctly. I'm thinking is had something to do with the DIY dimmer.
Check every solder spot. One bad connection breaks the loop. Strip new wire where the ballast connects to the string Are you overloading a ballast? Things to think about.
If wiring is correct, the leds are all good, and the known good ballast doesn't work on the blue leds, then it must be a burnt wire. Check each wire for continuity.
I blew out a blue led and it took out the whole string. If you have a led tester, test the leds to make sure there isn't a bad one in the bunch.