Raptors rainbow


New member
I just picked up a frag of raptors rainbow and forgot to ask lighting requirements. My tank is a 210 with 250w MH bulbs. Can this polyp handle the light pretty well or better coloration with less light?
Depends on what light they were under, before coming to your tank.
It is aways a good idea t start new polyps from the bottom and move them towards more light after a while.
Don't forget to dip your new polyp to prevent any pests coming into your system.
Good luck,
I would say at least 10,000 gallons.

Depends on what light they were under, before coming to your tank.
It is aways a good idea t start new polyps from the bottom and move them towards more light after a while.
Don't forget to dip your new polyp to prevent any pests coming into your system.
Good luck,
They were under MH in a low frag tank. They were getting tons of light and not a ton of flow but I don't know if that is the best recipe or not.
They were under MH in a low frag tank. They were getting tons of light and not a ton of flow but I don't know if that is the best recipe or not.

Well, if they were doing good under MHs I would adapt them to the MHs without any fear. MHs are the best for most shallow water zoanthids IME anyway...
And I would say that almost 100% of the zoas in the US trade are from shallow water.
Just do it slowly and they'll probably be more than fine.
Place them on the sand first and bring them up to the rocks in a few days or so.
Good luck!

hahahahaha 10,000 gallons! yeahh sounds about right ;) they seem to be a medium light medium flow coral. if you want to keep the sparkles dont flood it with light!
I will see what I can do. One of my tangs decided to snack on it a little while ago and I moved it to another tank and I believe it is all healed up. If I can get over there soon I will snap a pic and post.