Rare ORA corals?

i thought the BB was an aculeus

i have one... nice, vibrant blue tips, but tan underneath. i have seen them be bluer further down toward the base than mine... just cant get mine to cooperate.
Thanks AWE! Thats the coral i have been waiting for. I have seen it before named as the ora fuzzy blue acro.
Thanks now i have the correct name.
Since i am here, Heres my ora tricolor.
I'm hoping to pick up a pillow next week. I did pick up a frag of the blue bottlebrush ora piece. A little browned out but all the new growth tips are blue as blue can be. Beautiful piece. Can't wait for it to colony out.
Not a chips. i have a chips as well. It reminds me more of a desalwii, But its not that either. My desalwii has a white base, and this guy is brown underneath that polyp mass.
It started out like AWE's pic and got really hairy.
My chips isnt that hairy.
I wonder what triggers the massive polyp extension. None of the ORA MI Tricolor's I have seen have ever displayed intense PE like yours.
