Rasta help?


New member
Where should I place my Rastas? I heard they like the shade but mine aren't opening up in the shady spot I put them in. They've opened up before in shade but they don't seem to like this spot. Any advice?

24 gallon aquapod
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
pH: 8.0
Calcium: 400ppm
Filtration: media basket with purigen, chemi pure elite, and filter floss
What type of lighting are you using? Could have a lot to do with it. I generally put my zoas at the bottom of my tank which is 29"s deep And i run dual 250watt 20k radiums.
How long have you left them in this spot? Are you constantly moving them?
I have 3 250W HQI over my standard 120G SPS tank and I have rastas both about 10" under the surface and on the sand. They are always out and grow like CRAZY. From what I can tell, they can take all of the good light that you can throw at them.
I have mine under a 150 HQI ushio and it was at 60 to 40 n the par reader and they were starting to stretch slowly. Bumped them up to 80 and they are looking just about perfect.

They are in the sandbed, actually quit a ways from the light
Yeah I've been moving them a little too much. They're probably stressed out... I'm going to keep them there for a while and if they really don't look happy I'll keep them on the sand bed. I just don't like keeping them in the sand because all my inverts knock them over at night and I'm always picking them up in the morning!
I have mine 9 inches from the top of the tank and have the LED full spectrum lights another foot above the tank an they are off to the side...but they get a lot of light. I have moderate flow over them as well. they have grown 3x as much since I bought them in febuary
Yeah I've been moving them a little too much. They're probably stressed out... I'm going to keep them there for a while and if they really don't look happy I'll keep them on the sand bed. I just don't like keeping them in the sand because all my inverts knock them over at night and I'm always picking them up in the morning!
My best advice is to give things time. Give them a week and see if there is any change. If not move then and then wait again. My rastas are about 40" below my 250w MH and grow like crazy. They are in the undertow flow of an mp40 and grow pretty well. I started with 9 polyps in Jan and have 40 as of a week ago (won't be counting anymore).