rastas or fruit loops

Are you color blind? You sound like my buddy who is. He can't make out certain colors. The two have very different colorations. They do however have concentric circles of colors.



the colors are just in a different order
When the actinic hit them there should be no question which is which. not sure what point the pictures are making to you but I think the differences are obvious. One will have a glowing reddish skirt and the other a glowing green. It is common for color blind people to not be able to make out these two colors. That is why I ask.
I'm affraid that by your thought that they are just in a different order, the colors. Collecting expensive varieties of zoas might be lost on you. Don't fret though the ocean is huge and there are lots of types of corals to collect. Most others will have bigger differences. I would also steer away from SPS. Shades of fall looks like teirre del fuego looks like red planet looks like ect. We seem to thrive on these small differences that most people will not notice or care about, but to us we must have that slightly different new piece. Just my thoughts.
im more of an sps person and notice small differences, im pretty new to collecting zoas. that could be why. I hope im not color blind lol
I personally like rastas better and have both. a mostly collect sps but recently started a zoa/paly collection as well. It is crazy what people pay for these things and the smallest difference is super important to some. That is all I getting at. Sorry if I came off harsh.
I'm more of a rasta guy myself but also find fruit loops very attractive as well. I agree with everyone that there are big differences between the two.
I really like them both. They each have a unique color pattern. They are two where I never question what I am seeing. I always know what I'm looking at with them. Most others I'm going "Is that a this....or a that?"
I personally like rastas better and have both. a mostly collect sps but recently started a zoa/paly collection as well. It is crazy what people pay for these things and the smallest difference is super important to some. That is all I getting at. Sorry if I came off harsh.

i didn't feel like you came off harsh at all, just trying to prove a point i guess lol