RC for Freshwater


Premium Member
Hey everyone,
My wife will be bringing home her class fishtank and it is fresh water. I was thinking of eventually building an Amazon tank and was wondering if anyone knows if there is a great forum for RC for fresh water. There are some forums, but was looking for recommendations.

I use to keep freshwater tanks, with stuff like angels/Goramis, did very minimal maintenance, topped off straight from the tap etc with a shot of buffer later. My stuff lived, but really they must have been the bionic fish that would have lived through anything.
With fresh water websites, it is better to find one dedicated to the particular type of fish you are interested in. the requirements for some fish can be completely different than others, and experts in one area may be completely clueless in others.

On another note, I also keep aquariums in my classroom. Depending on the size of her tank, and what type of fish she keeps I may have some free fish for her... from one educator to another.

I could also help you guys with any FW related questions or store recommendations, just let me know.
Hey Kogo,
Thanks for the offer on the fish. The reason the tank is coming home, and I am planning on maybe taking on a real FW tank is that she is pregnant, and will not be returning to work in August.

Right now she only has a 10g. I am not sure which way I want to go for sure with her tank. Right now its peaceful, so I would have to wait to transform it into the Amazon tank.
ive st up some nice planted 10g using the incandecent hood with two 20w screw in power compact lights. a planted 10g would be nice for some dwarf ciclids. have fun, and congrats on the family upgrade!
ive set up some nice 10g planted tanks using an incandecent hood with two 20w screw in power compacts. the extra stability from growing plants will allow you to keep some of the more sensitive fish like blue rams. have fun, and congrats on the family's new addition!